aqua pepe

Aqua Pepe is the native token for the Aqua Pepe game. Aqua Pepe is the ultimate meme coin that not only features our beloved Pepe in bold Aqua avatar, but also has a purpose and utility.

The time has come. Join us in our way to glory!

The GREEN Saga Begins now

about aqua pepe

Meet Aqua Pepe , the fearless hero of Aqua Pepe, a game where he reigns as the king of the Waterworld, tirelessly defending the ocean kingdom Aquous.

This incredible amphibian is skilled both on land and in water, making him a formidable opponent for his foes. Equipped with his powerful trident weapon, Aqua Pepe is specially empowered to face any challenge that comes his way.

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary adventure and dive into the world of Aqua Pepe. Here Aqua Pepe is also the native token for the game. We are expecting to work on war-footing to launch the game, once the softcap is achieved.

The ultimate saviour

In love with gaming PepeFied

All of the best stories begin in the basement, and Team Aqua PEPE is one of those.

Aqua Pepe aims to build a strong community of enthusiastic players who share a passion for the game and the brand. As the community grows, the token value is sure to go beyond Moon, presenting a promising investment opportunity for those who believe in Aqua Pepe's future.

Token Aqua Pepe (APEPE)

Total Supply 1 Trillion

Project Protocol BEP20

Available On Pancakeswap (On launch)



Our tokenomics are designed to create a fair and sustainable ecosystem for Aqua Pepe. Here are some key features:

Total supply: 1 trillion Aqua Pepe tokens

  • Presale: 40% of the total supply will be sold at a discounted price to early investors

  • Liquidity: 30% of the total supply will be locked in a liquidity pool on PancakeSwap to ensure stability and low slippage

  • CEX listings: 10% of the total supply will be reserved for listings on major CEX platforms

  • Development : 10% of the total supply will be used for development,improvment and maintenance of our game

  • Marketing: 5% of the total supply will be allocated for marketing

  • Team: 5% of the total supply will be allocated for team
